Monday, February 18, 2008


FYI - Do you know?

Easy Does it ........ get your OMMMMMM on: Learning to loosen up may prevent emotional eating, a study from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston reveals. After only one month of practicing breathing and meditation exercises, stress eaters reduced their binges from an average of six times a week to once.

When the pressure's on, take a few deep breaths instead of heading to the fridge or that snack machine.

Mental Muscle.......... Just thinking you got a workout may make you healthier, a report from Havard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, suggests. Amoung a group of housekeepers, the two who were told that their job provided adequate exercise lost an average of 2 pounds and lowered blood pressure by nearly 10 percent in a month; those who were told nothing showed no changes. Find out how many calories you zap in daily activities at

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