Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"The Power to Amaze Yourself" 6 Week Community Challenge

The Challenge begins April 1, 2008

"The Power to Amaze Yourself"

6 Week Community Challenge and Fund Raiser for

March of Dimes.

Registration on March 29th, 2008 from 9am-12noon

at the Curves of Manchester GA.

$20.00 registration fee ($10.00 to March of Dimes)

$1.00 for each visit to Curves (no membership required)

goes to March of Dimes

Men and Women invited!

Bring your husband, brother or son..... all welcome to join the challenge!

You can use your own gym, walking group, weight loss program!

This challenge is to get the community together to
improve our health!

So Lets Do it together!

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