Monday, March 31, 2008

Stress Eating

Author Lisa T

I am having one of the Special Monday's where I could go home and just sit and eat a pint of ice cream! I wanted to talk myself down so I clicked on the internet to find out about stress eating. Just to see if I could talk myself down. Here is what I found.... Just in case you are having that type of day tooooooo.

Can Stress Cause Weight Gain?
What the Research Really Shows
-- By The American Institute of Cancer Research

"Advertisements claim that hormonal changes from high stress lead to weight gain. These ads offer products that will supposedly normalize your hormones, thus decreasing your waist size. Should you use these products?Research does support some link between stress and weight. Stress often causes people to drop good eating and exercise habits that helped them lose weight.When people are stressed they can also have trouble falling asleep. Studies show that a lack of sleep leads to lower levels of the hormone leptin, which can cause an increased appetite. Tired people often turn to food, too, to replenish their energy.

The Controversy about Cortisol The hormone most often mentioned in connection with stress is cortisol. When we feel threatened or stressed, cortisol levels rise in a "fight or flight" reaction, making more fuel available to the body. Yet in today’s world we may never burn all the energy released by this hormone because stress is largely emotional and doesn’t require a physical response. Cortisol may affect where body fat is stored. In one study, people whose cortisol levels jumped the most in response to stress tended to have proportionally more waistline fat—even if they were at a healthy weight. A greater proportion of fat at the waist was related to increased levels of ongoing stress related to work or finances, or lower levels of self-esteem. Waistline fat that gives people an apple shape poses the greatest health risks.

Although ads for some herbal products claim to lower cortisol levels and bring rapid weight loss, no evidence from respected research studies exists to support these claims. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission has filed a legal complaint against marketers of two herbal supplements. They have agreed to stop making such claims, but the products remain on the market.Ease Your Stress without SupplementsTo control stress and its influence on your weight, first try to remove the sources of stress in your life. Scale back on your commitments, learn better time management, or become more assertive. Exercise, meditation and yoga can then be used to cope with stress that you can’t eliminate. Another way to counteract stress is to change your psychological responses.

For example, if you tend to overeat when stressed, develop a list of nonfood ways to handle the pressure. Learning to wait out the urge to eat—usually just 10 to 15 minutes—can be a simple psychological change that makes a significant difference. "

For a sensible plan that tells you what to eat and how much to exercise to reach and keep a healthy weight, read the brochure A Healthy Weight for Life. Call AICR at 1-800-843-8114, ext. 111, to order your free copy.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Weight Loss & Vitamins Too Many to Choose

Author Lisa T

The Best Vitamins are almost impossible to find. Many professional give you information that is ON PAPER the best but each person has to decide for themself. Just thinking about how sick I was because of my Multi Vitamin adventure makes my hair stand UP!
To help make educated choices the list below are vitamins recommended for weight loss. Try them, even if it is gradully and one at a time until you know it will not have an adverse reaction to your body.
I have started by adding B12 to my daily routine. So far no discomfort. Next week I will add another vitamin and keep adding until I find the one that caused me pain.

So Here Goes:
The most important vitamins and minerals for weight loss are: Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Choline (part of B-complex), Inositol (part of B-complex), and Vitamin C.

Vitamin B2 is needed for normal thyroid function and metabolism. Good food sources of vitamin B2 include: Milk, liver and kidney, almonds, hard cheese, eggs, wheatgerm, leafy green vegetables, Marmite.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Like B2, vitamin B3 is essential for normal thyroid hormone production. Vitamin B3 is also part of the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which is released every time blood sugar rises. Good food sources of Vitamin B3 include: Wheat bran, liver, tuna, turkey, chicken, meat, eggs, mackerel, salmon, oats, barley, wheatflakes, cheese, dried fruit, brown rice.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Any deficiency of Vitamin B5 interferes with our capacity to utilise fat. Vitamin B5 also plays an important role in energy production and assists adrenal function. Good food sources of Vitamin B5 include: liver and kidney, meat, poultry, nuts, wheatflakes, wheat bran, wheatgerm, eggs, molasses, oats, barley, beans, wholegrain bread, green vegetables.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 regulates the production of thyroid hormone and metabolism. Good food sources of Vitamin B6, brewer's yeast, wheat bran, wheatgerm, oats, sardines, mackerel, poultry, beef, avocado, bananas, brown rice, cabbage, dried fruit, molasses, eggs.

A member of the Vitamin B complex, choline is not a real vitamin as it is made in the liver. Choline is needed for efficient fat metabolism. Choline deficiency leads to fats becoming trapped in the liver. Good sources of choline include: lecithin, beef liver, beef heart, egg yolks, wheatgerm, cauliflower, cucumber, peanuts.

Like choline, inositol is a member of the vitamin B complex and is also manufactured inside the body. Inositol combines with choline to assist in fat metabolism. Good sources of inositol include: lecithin, beef heart, beef liver, wheatgerm, soy, eggs, citrus fruits, wholegrains, nuts.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C provides a range of health benefits including proper conversion of glucose to energy in the cells. Good food sources of vitamin C include: blackcurrants, broccoli, green peppers, kiwi fruits, Brussels Sprouts, lemons, oranges, strawberries, cabbage.

Looking at these, I know there are more out there that are good for dieting, but only through research will I find them. So I guess I will keep looking and give you information as I get it.
Have A Great Weekend!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dieting and Vitamins

Dieting and Vitamins: Pain or Gain?
Author: Lisa T

When we start a diet we all know we should consult a doctor prior to make sure we are doing things correctly. Not everyone follows that plan, self diets can be tricky and can cause more problems than good.

I am one who believes in having a doctor review things first. You get the physical, blood pressure tested, blood sugar checked, your heart and lungs, everything looks good and now you are ready to start. The doctor recommends a plan to you but always tells you that while dieting the best thing for you is to use a Multi Vitamin to get all the nutrients you need during your diet.

Now one thing that the doctor does not tell you is which vitamin will cause heartburn. Yes, I said HEARTBURN!

Like most people I started with the One A Day Multi Vitamin for Weightloss, I have been taking a regular generic vitamin prior to my diet, but I thought this one was geared just toward the dieting market it should do what I need.

Within 3 days of using this vitamin I was struggling with light heartburn, thought it would go away. No it continued and proceeded to get worse. I went back to the doctor with the complaint and was put on Prilosec, this made me very uncomfortable. Next I tried an over the counter heartburn medicine and this made me sick. I could not eat anything without getting ill. Great for diet, don't you think. NO! I was weak and could not exercise. NOT GOOD!

This all came to an end when I went to Curves and was unable to complete one time around the circuit. So unlike me, I love Curves. The ladies suggested that I stop taking the medicines and start from scratch and see if things got better.
So I did............NOW 2 days later, no pain, no sickness and more energy.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"The Power to Amaze Yourself" 6 Week Community Challenge

The Challenge begins April 1, 2008

"The Power to Amaze Yourself"

6 Week Community Challenge and Fund Raiser for

March of Dimes.

Registration on March 29th, 2008 from 9am-12noon

at the Curves of Manchester GA.

$20.00 registration fee ($10.00 to March of Dimes)

$1.00 for each visit to Curves (no membership required)

goes to March of Dimes

Men and Women invited!

Bring your husband, brother or son..... all welcome to join the challenge!

You can use your own gym, walking group, weight loss program!

This challenge is to get the community together to
improve our health!

So Lets Do it together!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Do's and Don't of a good Fitness Plan

Author Lisa T


Do - Write down your fitness goals.

Do - Assess your current fitness level before starting an exercise program.

Do - Consider talking with your health care provider before embarking on a fitness program, particularly if you are struggling with a health condition such as diabetes or obesity.

Do - Diversify your workout routine.

Do - Work out with a friend.

Do - Keep healthy snacks available at all times.


Don’t - Over do it. Your body needs time to recover in between workouts.

Don’t - Skip breakfast.

Don't - Skip stretching.

Don’t - Set unrealistic goals.

Don't - Work out randomly. Work out regularly to maximize the benefits you’ll reap from a consistent fitness routine.

Don't - Forget to pat yourself on the back

If you’re willing to try new things and set reasonable expectations, you’ll reap the rewards of your fitness program and successfully achieve your fitness goals.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Weight Loss Maintenance Question

In this age of instant gratification I was on a mission this weekend for the answer to a specific question?

How do you get rid of excess skin from weight loss or prevent this problem from happening?

With just the little weight loss of 10 lbs in 30 days I already see this to be a problem........

Here is One Answer:
Extra skin on the belly, arms or legs is a concern for individuals who have a large amount of weight to lose. This extra skin experience seems to happen more in people who lose a large amount of weight in a relatively short period of time. It takes longer for the skin to "shrink" than to lose the weight.

In most cases, when you are losing weight slowly and consistently (about 1-2 pounds a week), the skin will naturally "shrink" so to speak, along with the loss of fat. So you’ll need to give it some time. Exercise with weights, which helps to tone your muscles, can also help with the skin. "Special creams" really do not work and can border on being rip-offs. However, you can use a good moisturizer to hydrate the skin.

Okay, maybe this will work. The Curves program mixes the weight loss through changing diet and increased movement with toning routines on their circuit. If done properly your are looking at 1 to 2 pounds a week of weight loss. If the above is correct, I should not have to save up for plastic surgery Just NEW CLOTHES!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Exercise Blues

Have you ever had one of those weeks when you feel like you are just now making it? You can not get motivated to exercise? You can not do anything correct on your diet? Or the efforts of exercising 3 days week just doen't feel like it is working?


Motivation! That is the key to every success in all types of situations, but when life's little surprises get you it is hard to be motivated. In reading my daily emails the cover story really makes sense to me. So I feel like sharing.

What do you think?

Give Your Workout a SparkStart
5-10 Minutes to Major Momentum
-- By Jen Mueller, Certified Personal Trainer

Can you relate to any of these scenarios?

Alice is feeling overwhelmed because she has a lot of weight to lose. She doesn’t know where to begin, so that frustration has prevented her from even starting an exercise program.

Sherry exercises for 30 minutes 3 times a week, but doesn’t feel like exercise is part of her daily routine. She’s looking to make it more of a habit.

Bill can’t seem to find the motivation to get started with a program. He doesn’t think exercise is really going to make him feel any different, so what’s the point?

Jane has decided to start an exercise program, so she goes to the gym two hours every day for a week. At the end of the week she is tired, sore and already burned out. She doesn’t make it to the gym again for several weeks.

These scenarios are all very common. Many people have problems developing a consistent exercise routine—whether they just don’t know where to begin, or don’t know how to make exercise as natural as brushing your teeth every morning. Still others just need a boost of motivation and energy now and then. If finding the motivation to work out seems like a daunting task to you, here’s a great place to start: 5-10 minute "SparkStart" workouts! Although 5-10 minutes will not give you immediate weight loss results, it will help you develop a routine and a foundation to build on. Sometimes all you need is a push in the right direction!

A SparkStart gives Alice a very reasonable starting point. It helps Sherry stay consistent with her exercising throughout the week. Bill will notice he has more energy and feels better after his quick workout. And Jane will begin to change her "all or none" mentality and focus on small steps to develop a habit. So regardless of your current level of activity, a 5-10 minute SparkStart workout can be a great source of motivation and the "spark" you need to move your program into gear!

Here’s what SparkGuy (SparkPeople founder and C.E.O.) had to say about the 5-10 minute workout:

"You won’t immediately see big improvements from this, BUT it will help you turn exercise into a habit so that you don't need to keep going through the frustration of starting over. After doing this consistently for awhile, you'll start noticing small improvements that will motivate you to do even more - and your energy level will slowly start to increase. I've seen people get incredible results using this method."

SparkStart workouts include easy exercises you can do at home when you get up in the morning, while you’re making dinner, or while waiting for the laundry to finish drying. Pick something you enjoy so you are more likely to stick with it. Below are some examples to help get you started. All of these workouts can be modified depending on your fitness level and time available.

Workout 1: Light jog in place (2 minutes), jump rope (2 minutes), light jog (2 minutes)
Workout 2: Sit-ups (2 minutes), 25 push-ups, sit-ups (2 minutes), 25 push-ups
Workout 3: Light jog in place (2 minutes), 1 set squats (8-12 repetitions), 1 set lunges, 1 set squats, 1 set lunges, leg stretches (2 minutes)
Workout 4: Take your dog (or just yourself!) for a quick walk around the block
Workout 5: Walk/run up and down the stairs 5 times
Workout 6: Brisk walk in place with arms pumping, knees up (3 minutes), 25 jumping jacks, brisk walk (3 minutes)
Workout 7: Light jog in place (2 minutes), fast jog in place (5 minutes), light jog in place (2 minutes)

More examples of strength training exercises and stretches can be found in the Fitness Resource Center .

To give yourself a real boost, start an exercise "streak". Do some sort of activity every day (could be 5 minutes, could be longer) for as many consecutive days as possible. Challenge your family members or co-workers to see who can carry the longest streak! Post the number of days in your streak on your office wall or refrigerator door. It’s a good source of motivation and a great way to keep exercise in the front of your mind! So are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to "spark" your workout? There’s no time like the present, so get started today!

Article created on: 3/16/2005

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Low Fat Buttermilk Pancakes!

If you are anything like me you LOVE Pancakes.
Here is a great recipe I found. I am excited about trying it.
Let me know what you think.

Buttermilk Pancakes
From Fiona Haynes,

Your Guide to Low Fat Cooking.

FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!
Recipe Feedback:
User Rating
Be the first to write a review

Good old fashioned buttermilk pancakes are hard to beat. Serve them with pure maple syrup or with fresh berries and a little low fat vanilla yogurt.
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 egg, lightly beaten, or 1/4 cup egg substitute
1 cup low fat buttermilk
2 tsp canola oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup seasonal chopped fruit (optional)
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and baking soda in a large bowl. In another bowl, combine egg , buttermilk, oil and vanilla. Make a well in the center of flour mixture and add wet ingredients. Stir with a whisk until smooth.

If you’re using fruit, add it now. For each pancake, scoop 1/4 cup of batter on to a hot griddle or nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray. Turn pancakes when bubbles appear and edges are cooked, after about 1 1/2 minutes. Cook for 1 minute on second side.
Serves 5 (2 pancakes)

Per Serving: Calories 180, Calories from Fat 31, Total Fat 3.5g (sat 0.7g), Cholesterol 44mg, Sodium 266mg, Carbohydrate 31.8g, Fiber 0.6g, Protein 5.4g

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dieting on Vacation

Vacations can be a stressful time for serious dieters. I am no exception, but I am doing so well on the Curves program that I enlisted the help of my boyfriend to keep me on track while on vacation.

No eating out at restuarants, he pre-marinated skinless chicken breast and grilled them outdoors. He prepared marinated pork chops and grilled them for me. He only brought fresh vegetables that were sauteed in the marinades that went with the entree. Then he surprised me with large sweet potatoes that were slow roasted over an open fire and baked, only 1 tsp of butter added for flavor. This was the best food I had eaten on a camping vacation. Snacks were fresh vegetables with low-fat blue cheese dip, lite baked chips w/salsa and cubes of chedder cheese. I was never hungry and never felt deprived.

Guess what? I still lost weight.... go figure.

Now I am ready to continue my program and research new and exciting food options. This vacation showed me that I can enjoy REAL food and still lose weight.

Author Lisa T

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Community Challenge

Of Manchester Georgia Host:
"The Power to Amaze Yourself"

6 Week Community Challenge
and Fund Raiser for

Starting April 1, 2008
Challenging Each other to get healthy
But Also Challenging our community and
Challenging the CURVES of Zebulon, GA
Men and Women Invited!
Use Your Gym Start Your Group Ladies Join Curves Circuit
Start a walking Group Join a Church Exercise Group
or Stay at home and motivate yourself!

Membership not required:
Registration March 29th at Curves of Manchester 9am-12noon
$20.00 fee ($10.00 going to march of dimes)
At registration you will be:
Measured, Weighted, BMI calculated, Spinal Exam
Given a login to the Community Challenge Blog and photographed.
(Alternative registration day March 31, 2008 from 10am – 6pm) w/limited services

Grand Prize Winner of the
“The Power to Amaze Yourself” Community Challenge
A Weekend for Two in Gatlinburg, TN
Runners up to receive other prizes.

How to Win? The Biggest Percentage of
Weight Loss!!!!!!!!

Collection Buckets located at local businesses in Manchester and Warm Springs.
Curves is located at 212 Main Street, Manchester GA 31816
Phone #: 706-846-4543

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Curves Works!

Today is a little personal information. I started this process of the Curves Blog to communicate with people I have met at Curves about my research on weight loss and healthy habits. Now I have great news:

My weight 1/3/08 185lbs
My weight 3/10/08 175lbs

My measurements when I started Curves on 2/21/08
Bust 41"
Waist 40"
Hips 47"
Thighs 27"
Arms 14.5"

My measurements on 3/10/08
Bust 42.5"
Waist 36"
Hips 44.75"
Thighs 26.5"
Arms 14.5"

My three major areas of interest weight, waist and hips are moving in the right direction.

I know this has no value to anyone but me, but truly Curves is working. Using the circuit a minimum of 3 days a week, using the personal trainer provided for you, FREE, to monitor your repetitions on each station, has helped to push me each week to continue improving my strength and stamina.

I am SOLD on Curves..... I would love to hear others that are seeing success on Curves.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Curves Difference

70% of women in America do not exercise on a regular basis. Shocking Isn't It?

64% of American adults are overweight and half of those are obese.

Why in a society like ours, are we suffereing with weight? There is so much information available yet we do not use it... Is there something wrong with us?

Perhaps the information is flawed.
Consider the Curves approach to exercise, diet and wellness?

The Process:

Strength training - protects and prioritizes muscle tissue and increases the body's energy requirements

Exercising while dieting - conditions the body to access and burn stored fat.

Perpetual dieting - lowers our metabolism and past dieting methods required that we diet forever to maintain our weight loss because we did not have a method to raise metabolism without regaining our weight.

A new plan - for exercise and weight loss will provide new hope for success.

**A Strength-training program for Women
**A thirty-minute complete workout that fits into busy schedules
**Quality fitnerss centers designed for women
**Exercise and nutritional guidance at the same location
**A temporary dieting method that produces permanent results
**A business model which is predicated on service
**A community of women who support each other

Sounds good to me!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Scale or No Scale?

There are many opinions about using the scale to measure success. Personally, I dislike the little suckers.

I get disappointment when the scale does not move in the direction I want it to go. Yesterday I got up and was putting on cloths and saw an outfit I could not fit in anymore. So what the heck I tried it on. It fit and was a little loose, but the scale told me I was not losing any more weight. Which is right. Today I did some research to see what I could find.

The bulk of the information feels that losing weight usually involves a relatively simple calorie equation: burn off more calories with daily activity than you consume through food.

An Article by Liz Nocicke "Measure Progress Without The Scale" explains this the best:

"Since muscle is dense (a small volume of muscle weighs more than the same volume of fat), the scale might not reflect your hard work.

Non-Scale Signs of Progress

1. See results by taking a trip to your very own closet. Take out a pair of pants that fit snugly before you began your new, healthy habits. Are you able to ease into them, when before you had to sit (or lie) down and yank them up your legs? This is a sure sign of progress toward a leaner you! What about an old shirt? Is it now a little loose around your waist or arms? Also look for improved muscle definition when you check out your body in the mirror. There are many everyday indicators that you are firming up your body, from how your clothes fit to sitting more comfortably in a booth or small chair.

2. Aside from weight, use other numerical signs of progress. When you first start your program, take measurements of your waist, arms, neck and hips. Even if you are not losing pounds, you very well may be losing inches all over your body as your figure slims down and tones up with muscles. Measuring your body is more reliable than the scale alone. Other numerical indicators include a reduction of
blood pressure or cholesterol, heart rate, and body fat percentage.

3. Monitor how a healthy diet and regular exercise affects your energy levels. Not only will you be able to work out for longer intervals of time, but everyday chores will also become easier. Whether cutting the grass or simply walking up the stairs, these behaviors will come effortlessly. Think of all the daily activities you could use more energy for—grocery shopping, house cleaning, playing with your kids, and more. Pretty soon you’ll be training for your first 5K!

4. Lastly, be conscious of how you feel emotionally. You’ve been working hard to reach your goals. Hopefully, the hard work will come with a boost in self-esteem, confidence, and happiness. Are you beginning to feel more comfortable in your own body? Work to build a positive vocabulary to stay motivated. "

I think that really explains it to me. I have increased the amount and the type of exercise with no large amount of weight loss but cloths are fitting better.

I love it!
by Lisa T

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I have been researching Free Weight Loss websites to help log my food, my activity and my progress. I was given this site by Lyndell the owner of Curves of Manchester GA. This has been a really informative site. Take a look at it when you have a chance. Below is one of the Daily Emails I recieve from SparkPeople site. Read it and let me know what you think.

12 Ways to Spot a Fad Diet
Identifying Weight Loss Scams -- By Becky Hand, Licensed & Registered Dietitian

SparkPeople Sponsors help keep the site free!-->
The next time you watch an infomercial, read an advertisement, or spot a new supplement reporting miraculous weight loss results, we wouldn’t blame you for cocking a wary eyebrow. When evaluating claims for weight loss products, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommends a healthy portion of skepticism; most don’t come close to fulfilling their claims. And in the rare cases where a product might result in some temporary weight loss, it is almost never a permanent solution and is usually unsafe.Before you spend money on products that promise fast and easy results, weigh the claims carefully. You might even consider contacting the FTC directly for more information or if you have concerns.These 12 tips will help you critique and evaluate weight loss claims and spot a scam before it’s too late:

1. "It’s so easy to lose weight without dieting or exercising!" Face it—permanent weight loss takes work, effort and time. Pass on any products that promise miraculous results without the effort. Buy one and the only things you’ll lose are money and confidence.

2. "Eat whatever you want and still lose weight!" Losing weight requires sensible food choices, not overloading on high-fat, high calorie foods.

3. "Lose weight forever…you’ll never need to diet again!" For weight loss to be permanent, it requires lifestyle changes. On-going maintenance is always a must.

4. "Block the digestion and absorption of fat, carbs, or calories!" There is no magic potion that will allow you to block the digestion and absorption of fat, carbs, or calories. A little pill to curb cravings and suppress appetite just doesn’t exist.

5. "Rapid weight loss: Lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks!" Looking to lose weight rapidly for your high school reunion or wedding? Products that safely produce lightning-fast weight loss just don’t exist. A weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week is the safest and most effective way to take off weight and keep it off.

6. "Finally, a weight loss formula for everyone!" A diet that claims to be perfect for all is erroneous. One-size-fits-all just doesn’t work. Your lifestyle habits and health concerns are unique. That’s why SparkPeople helps you design your own personalized nutrition and exercise programs to suit your particular lifestyle needs.

7. "Lose weight with this miracle diet patch, cream or gel!" You’ve heard it all before—"Apply and watch the fat melt away!" But truthfully, all that melts away is your hard earned money.

8. "Scientifically Proven! Doctor Endorsed!" Where is the proof and how was the research conducted? Were people studied, or rodents? Were there 3 subjects in the study or 3,000? Has the research been published in a medical journal and reviewed by peers? A doctor of what profession? Or is the "professional" as purely fictitious as your weight loss will be? Be sure to check the details.

9. "Money-back guarantee!" It may make you feel safer to give the product a try, but realize that many companies do not follow through with this promise. You’re left holding an empty promise and an empty pocketbook.

10. "100% safe!" Just another attempt, trying to get you hooked with a meaningless phrase. Think of it this way – if there were no reason to doubt, why would they need to make this claim at all? Many products have been removed from the market due to safety issues, but not until too many lives were already destroyed or lost. Does ephedra ring a bell?

11. Those convincing testimonials: We can all look 10 pounds slimmer by: standing up straight, shoulders back, and stomach in; having a good hair day; applying the right make-up; and hiring a professional photographer. Remember, just because you recognize the actor or actress doesn’t make the product any more reliable. They are now just a little richer and you a little poorer.

12. "A miraculous breakthrough!" Turn and run the other direction when extravagant claims make the product sound to good to be true.

The FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop and avoid them. To file a complaint or to get free information on consumer issues, visit or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357). Article created on: 3/23/2005

Isn't this great?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Circuit Training - Curves of Manchester GA

I was researching circuit training to really get an idea about Curves concept. I found the below and thought it was very interesting.


Question = What is circuit training?

Answer = Circuit training in a great way to do resistance training and aerobic/anaerobic training in one workout. You select a certain number of exercises, and go from one exercise to the next with little or not rest, until you've completed all of them. A circuit can be set up any way-- it's fun to be creative. You can do a full body circuit, a lower body circuit, core circuit, upper body circuit, etc. By doing the exercises consecutively, your heart rate stays in the aerobic zone. You can also add in exercises like jump rope and step-ups to make it an anaerobic workout.

Circuits are great for all levels, beginners up to advanced. A circuit of 6-8 exercises is usually a good beginner level, working up to 12-15 exercises done twice for advanced. As you can see, a circuit can last as short as 10-15 minutes and go up to 60 minutes.

Article: Written by Jen Mueller, M.Ed & Certified Personal Trainer

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

PURRfect Portion Tricks

Nutritionist to the stars Carrie Wiatt, stated in "Woman's World" magazine.....

GRAB A SALAD PLATE! Because less looks like more on a smaller plate, you will reach for less without having to measure!

PRE-BAG YOUR SNACKS! Transfer chips or cookies into smaller zipper-top bags. This way you always have a convenient, perfectly portioned snack!

Other items I have found:
Quaker Mini Delights - 90 calorie packs - several flavors
Orville Redenbacher's - Individual Pack Popcorn - 100 calorie packs
Hostess Cup Cakes - 100 calorie mini cakes - several flavors
Pick up a bag of small red apples - helps that 3pm snack graving for sweets. Just remember it is high in natural sugar.

Look for smaller items like these so you do not feel deprived. It will really boost your diet.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Taking the Work Out of Working Out

Researching this weekend, LOOK WHAT I FOUND!

Nice little article block on "Taking the Work Out of Working Out" by Smolensky, co-author of "The Body Clock Guide to Better Health"

"Timing your workouts properly can give you much better results with less efforts,"

So if you want to:

* Improve flexibility...... work out midday - From 10am-2pm is the ideal time for yoga, t'ai chi

or other exercises that involve bending, twisting and turning. Experts say joint flexibility is

almost 20% higher midday than it is first thing in the morning!

* Build muscle.... work out late afternoon - Research reveals this timing trick produces

noticeable toning within two weeks for 60% of people! "It's the time of day when heart and

lung function peaks, plus muscle strength is six percent greater, allowing you to do more reps.

* Become aerobically fit... work out at night - Spine stability and back strength peak at

night. And that makes evenings a great time for aerobic workouts, such as walking. In fact

studies suggest opting for evening aerobics can help boost your speed and power by as

much as 20%.

Give this a try, let me know what you find out...... might work!